Self Love Museletter Blog


Dreams and Desires

September 11, 20232 min read

I am more than another’s opinion of me. My opinion of myself is the one that counts.

I don’t recall having growing pains as a child, and I am thankful for this.

I do, however, feel as though I am having growing pains now. I am also thankful for this.


I love living a life of exploration and curiosity. I love growing and becoming more me.

I have just finished reading a novel about a woman who was ready for big changes in her life and almost stopped herself. Throughout the novel she continued to ‘squash’ her feelings, refer to herself as the ‘sensible’ one and make choices that she thought others would approve of.

Until the end of the book (I confess I was on the edge of my seat spurring her on… “Come of Grace, be who you are”) when she caught her husband cheating and realised, she was relieved. It gave her the out she wanted.

She stepped up then, made some choices and began to start her new life. This was the point when the novel ended, and I must admit that was the point when I wanted it to continue! I wanted to meet the new Grace, see where things went next.

So, like Grace, I am going to embrace my growing pains. And unlike the author of the book, I am going to share the changes with you.

Much is coming for me. Over the last 10 years I have embraced who I am and who I want to be more and more. But it doesn’t end here, this is where is begins.

I have dreams (BIG ones!) and I have ideas, inspiration and desires.

All of which I would love to bring into the world. Life continues to be a rollercoaster and I wouldn’t want it any other way.


Dreams and desires are ours for a reason. There is no mistake that I am who I am. There is no mistake that you are You.

What dreams do you have?
Big or small… are you ready to evolve with me?


If you have a dream, a desire, a yearning and would love to share it, do reply 😊

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Bec Sheffield

I am Bec, a Self-Love Guru I guide You to wake up the divine power within you. By recognising your innate power and understanding your true self, you can uncover the life you want and start living it. Everything great starts with YOU. I invite you to begin your journey, here, to discover who you truly are on the inside, underneath all and any struggle. Loving yourself, knowing yourself and being you in every aspect of your life is an incredible gift to give to yourself and those you Love. Are you ready to embrace your true self?

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