Self Love Museletter Blog


Welcome to Self Love Museletters

August 16, 20237 min read

“We are not here to suffer. We are not here to strive. We are not here to hold the world on our shoulders. We are here to find the way past all of that and live a life of Fun, Freedom and Creation”
- Debra Simmons


A very warm welcome to Self Love Museletter blog with Bec.

Back in 2014 my life had crashed down around me. I had no idea what to do, how I had gotten into such a mess or if I could ever put things right again. My aunty, Deb and my sister, Lu, were my warriors. Many conversations and a 90-day online course later, and I was stronger than ever before.

Now my turn came to share what had saved me. To invite others to look at how life works, who you want to be and how it all begins with Self Love and Self Knowledge.

Welcome to the Self Love Museletters. Keep reading below for my first blog on the new website!

8 Reasons

Are you living a heart led life?

Imagine … Having faith in and trusting yourself and the peace of mind that goes with that.

For most of my life I trusted what was inside my head.

Noise, words, thoughts seemed to be there and who was I to question them. I learned to trust and negotiate my life within the confines of those thoughts. To utilise my intellect. And when it worked, it worked well.


There were other times though that I got frustrated. My intellect didn’t have the answer. I couldn’t think my way out of this emotion or that problem.

My body began to hurt, and I was sickly. I felt ill at ease inside my own body, and I got very lost inside my own head. It was not a peaceful or comfortable life I lived.


There came a point in my life where I could take no more. I had a breakdown. I landed on my aunty’s doorstep, 200 miles from my home and she shared with me some soothing and helpful words.


She introduced me to two life-changing facts:
1. I never have to listen to the noise in my head if I don’t want to.

2. I have a still quiet voice of calm. A voice of innate wisdom, that is designed to make my life lighter.

Do you know that these two things are true for you too?

Beneath the head noise, the thoughts that whirl and never stop, there is a Universal flow, a divine energy. Something that cannot be lost. Forgotten perhaps, but never lost. It is as reliable as gravity and sunrise and as easy to misunderstand.


In the knowing of that voice, the biggest difference for me has been in the small, ordinary, everyday things.

I have seen countless examples of humans stepping up to the plate and thriving in the most unexpected ways when the big stuff happens but crumbling under the perceived pressures of everyday chores and tasks.


I love that in my everyday life, I can stop and listen out for that voice of wisdom. That voice is my heart, not my head. It is a quiet confidence, an unassuming gift of wisdom that lives in me, and lives in you too.

You can trust that voice.

It has changed more things in my life than I can count; my relationships are healthy, my head is peaceful (well, most of the time!), I stepped into living my dream life, I no longer suffer with anxiety, I have a healthy and happy body and mind.

It has also changed my day-to-day experience of life, the moment-to-moment interactions and situations that I live through.

Are you ready for something to change in your life?

The small voice of calm I mentioned earlier is available in your life too. It is innate in every human being. You don’t have to be one thing or another to have this inner voice. The fact that you are human means you already have it.

Your only job is to open yourself to hearing it and recognising it.
The clue will always be in the feeling. Did you ever play the ‘Hot-Cold’ game when you were a child? Where you hide an item and then give your friends clues when they are getting close or too far away.

Our feelings work the same way. When you are hearing your voice of wisdom, the feeling will be a warm feeling. When you are lost inside the noise in your head, the feeling will be a cold one.


Becoming familiar with those feelings and what they are guiding you to is all you need to do to live a Heart-Led life.


Your invitation …
I would like to invite you to begin to Live from your Heart and look to trust those nudges of wisdom.


I live with my sister, and she had put some washing in the machine. She was heading out for the morning and asked me to hang it for her when the machine had finished.
Of course I will, if I remember, I replied.

Later that morning, I walked into the kitchen to put the kettle on. Something in me invited me to go into the utility room ~ I didn’t have a reason, it just occurred to me to go there. As I have committed to living a Heart-Led life, trusting those nudges, I followed this one.
As I did, I saw the light flashing on the washing machine. Oh yes, Lucy’s washing!


These are the kind of ordinary moments I often have that make my life easier and lighter. I choose to trust the still quiet voice. It isn’t always earth-shattering, but it makes a difference to see the places where I can trust my heart and live a life of ease.

Are you ready to be playful and “learn” what your heart is showing you?
None of us began our education at university and there is a reason for that. I invite you to be playful and curious with this and start at “pre-school”.

The first place I tested the waters, was whenever I was asked "do you want a cup of tea, Bec?"

Well, did I? Habitually, I would say yes.
I began to make it my business to stop and check in. Feel for the answer.

Sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't.


Good. Now I had a baseline of experience.
I began to get more comfortable with how my heart felt. I trusted myself to follow the feeling of what made sense for me, whether it was deciding about a hot drink or a bigger decision, such as moving 200 miles from my home to live by the sea and run my own business. The same nudge of wisdom is present no matter what decision or action you are looking at.


I invite you to be playful too. Start with the 'small' stuff.

What do you want to wear today? Do you want the drink being offered? Is it time to go to bed? You get the idea.

Pause before taking action and check in. Notice how loud the opinion of your head can be.

You never have to take action or pay attention to the noise in your head if you don’t want to.


Thoughts, words and noise within your own mind can appear important, solid and real. It’s all smoke and mirrors and if there is a thought that doesn’t sit comfortably with who you want to be, you don’t have to attend to it.

Be playful and curious about this.
If, like me, you have a spent a long time trusting the noise in your head it is OK to take one step at a time here. It is amazing what you can begin to see from a curious mind.

Listen out for what the quieter voice is saying to you.

As you begin to open your ears to hearing your heart, it becomes clearer.

As you step into trusting that it is safe to follow your heart, it becomes easier.

Sum it up in a sentence … There is something within you that is magic. Your job is to be open to that magic and allow it to come alive in you.


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Bec Sheffield

I am Bec, a Self-Love Guru I guide You to wake up the divine power within you. By recognising your innate power and understanding your true self, you can uncover the life you want and start living it. Everything great starts with YOU. I invite you to begin your journey, here, to discover who you truly are on the inside, underneath all and any struggle. Loving yourself, knowing yourself and being you in every aspect of your life is an incredible gift to give to yourself and those you Love. Are you ready to embrace your true self?

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