Self Love Museletter Blog



September 25, 20233 min read

“Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet” - Thich Nhat Hanh


8 Reasons

You may know I have set myself a challenge; to walk 2 miles every day over 30 days, aiming to complete 60 miles to raise funds for 2 amazing projects.


It has been a while since I undertook a challenge like this. And, aside from raising funds, there is a good reason why I do this kind of challenge in my life.


I have completed 7 days and wanted to stop today and reflect on why I do this kind of challenge, and how it benefits me.


The first part for me is the commitment. Making a conscious choice to do something everyday and then holding myself accountable when my mind wants to take me of course has an impact on who I am showing up as in the world.


Over the last ten years, I have been exploring who it is I want to be in the world. For the first 30 years of my life, I wasn’t always conscious of who I was, whether I was doing what made sense to me or following others without conscious thought. In my exploring I have found that I like being a person who is committed, kind, thoughtful, joyful and persistent. I like knowing when I need to hold myself accountable and when I need to let myself off the hook. I like knowing myself well enough to make conscious decisions that serve me, and ultimately, the world.

When I take part in a challenge like this, I learn more about myself. How it feels inside me when I have the thought ‘you don’t have to walk today, you can just catch up tomorrow’ and how it feels inside me when I make the choice to walk anyway. I made a commitment and it feels right to see it through.


The second part is what happens when I show up day after day to something (it doesn’t matter what that something is, it happens to be a 2-mile walk for me, at the moment. But it could be writing a blog, taking ½ hour quiet time, cooking a meal from scratch… the ‘something’ is less important).

When I show up, no matter the circumstances ~ I’ve walked in rain, wind, hot sunshine, with people, alone, flat walks, hill walks, circular walks, there and back walks ~ I find that something inside me wakes up. Not because of the activity (though the benefit in this case is it’s probably good for me!!) but because I showed up, I saw it through.

I discover more of who I am and choose more of who I want to be.

I used to believe I was someone who didn’t like walking.
I used to believe I was someone who didn’t go out in the rain.
I used to believe I was someone who cant be in my own headspace.

There are many things I have believed about myself and in doing a challenge, like this one, I get to discover that I don’t have to believe those things if they don’t serve me.


I continue to re-invent myself, every day, letting go of things I no longer find helpful and taking on news beliefs that I enjoy.

Committing to this challenge, on paper, looked easy… 7 days in and I have already had some big realisations about who I am and who I want to be.

There is more to come, keep checking in!!


With heaps of love,
Bec xx


PS, if you would like to know more about what I am raising funds for, check out my collection pot, here:

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Bec Sheffield

I am Bec, a Self-Love Guru I guide You to wake up the divine power within you. By recognising your innate power and understanding your true self, you can uncover the life you want and start living it. Everything great starts with YOU. I invite you to begin your journey, here, to discover who you truly are on the inside, underneath all and any struggle. Loving yourself, knowing yourself and being you in every aspect of your life is an incredible gift to give to yourself and those you Love. Are you ready to embrace your true self?

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